Picture of Adrian Petersson

Hi, Im Adrian Petersson.

Frontend Developer at Fitness24Seven

2020Fitness24Seven 2.0 App Concept

Fitness24Seven 2.0 App Concept

A redesign of the current app of a popular Scandinavian fitness chain by making the app more accessible to all members.



This portfolio was designed in Figma and later developed using NEXT-JS and sanity CMS.

2021Astra Watches

Astra Watches

Conceptual logo-design and landing-page concept for an watch e-commerce store. Developed using React & tailwind CSS.

2021Advanced Title Search ++

Advanced Title Search ++

Generates movie suggestions based on ratings, year & genre. Fetches data from two API's, built using React.

About Me

A creative frontend developer with a design background passionate about bringing intuitive, elegant digital solutions to life using React or React-native.

Contact me